
Thursday, September 13, 2012


So, as I mentioned in my previous post, I´ve decided to wean myself off of the reference-drug, and go completely cold-turkey. Below you´ll find my first attempt at painting anything without references. The only thing I´ve used is James Guerney´s Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter, which is an absolutely fantastic book. I´m starting out with a portrait of a man, possibly the Welsh trane-god Ceyr, because I really like painting portraits, and because I rarely paint men... Enough chit- chat!

A quick sketch where I establish the basic idea, light source and palette.

Solidifying the shadows, defining shapes and such. 
Look, ma! No training wheels!


Another eye! Also added extra light sources to break up
the massive shadowed area, and give an impression of a cage.

Defining the area around the eyes and mouth, and also
worked on the beams of light.

To be continued...

 - Tattersail out!

Friday, August 17, 2012


I think I´ve mentioned before that reference is key, or king, and both is true. References are a great way to get the details right, like light, colour, anatomy, texture and a hundred other things. But sometimes references can be a crutch, something I´ve discovered the hard way. I realized I had been relying on reference pictures too much, which made me doubt my own skill as a painter. Am I good at this, or am I just good at copying references? Well, not copying-copying... I´d never do that. Anywho, less talking, more showing of examples!

Below are three pictures you´ll find in one of my many (MANY) ref. pic folders:

Kevin Durand

Tom Hardy -  from The Men of Warrior by Tim Palen

Bettie Page

And here are the three paintings I painted using these pictures as references:

Icarium from Steven Erikson´s Malazan Book of the Fallen

Mok, the Seguleh Third, from Steven Erikson´s Malazan Book of the Fallen

Tattersail, from Steven Erikson´s Malazan Book of the Fallen
As you can see, they don´t deviate much from their respective references. This is a prime example of going too far in your use of references, at least that´s what I think.

I didn´t like where I was headed, and I didn´t like the feeling of being only as good as my references, so  I decided to draw stuff completely from my own imagination, and do a painting with as few references as possible. I´m hoping it will be good. In fact, I´m hoping it will be better than my previous stuff.

If you want to see for yourself, stay tuned!

 - Tattersail, signing off.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lost No. 4

Sometimes I just lose interest, or forget what the hell I was thinking when I started the painting.

This is one of them. To be honest, I have no idea what's going on here. Stuffs, is my guess. I was never any good at playing around with shapes and such anyway.

 - tattersail, signing off.